Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wyoming, Idaho, Montana Reports

An Idaho fatty

As I suspected the big water in these states are high and off color and there is still alot of snow in the Tetons, Snake range, Greys and Salt range.  Probably wont see any serious fishing on the big water till August.  But there is fishing.  I floated the Salt River in Wyoming with friend and guide Dave Barber.  The Salt was up and a little silty but the spring creeks feeding it were clear to mildly colored, these provided good dry fly action on Cutts.  The first one I landed pushed 18" with the rest in the 12" range.  I did have one BIG fish on for about a minute.  It made three runs pulling line off the reel and fighting me deep.  I never did see it but I'd say was fighting like a brown trout, a BIG brown trout.  Based on my Salmon River experience I'd guess around 5 to 7 lbs.  He spit the fly. 

20+  Idaho Cutthroat
Moving into Victor/Driggs, Idaho basically offered one option.  Pine Creek,  from the summit to Swan Valley, was in great shape and still held post spawn Cutts.  The first outing produced my biggest Cutt, +20".  Through a week of fishing it I managed a pair over 20" and most in the 16" -18" range.  In a typical, "normal", year these fish would have dropped back into the South Fork by this time but with the higher water flows they had stuck around for a little longer, good for me.  As we left Teton Valley for Montana the Teton River was beginning to fish.

Another Post Spawn Cutt
 The Yellowstone in Montana was blown out for fishing which was disappointing cause we'd rented a house on the Yellowstone in Livingston.  But west of Bozeman the Madison was perfect and the fishing was excellent, as was the Henry's Fork and the Buffalo River. The Gallatin from the Yellowstone Park down to Taylor Creek was in perfect condition.  From Taylor down through the canyon it was milky but very fishable.  Through out, the same flies produced well.  Comparadun PMDs and BWOs #18 tied for 1st.  Parachute Adams #12 a close 2nd and in Wyoming I had good success on a Comparadun Green Drake #12

Cedar Strip Kayak

As a side note, they say curiosity has killed a few cats, but sometime it leads to some interesting finds.  While staying in Victor,  I'd heard the neighbor sawing, sanding and pounding away everyday.  Finally curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to see what was going on.  I met Howard Bybee, a young fellow who's garage was a scaled down wood shop full of wooden patterns and two cedar strip kayaks, one finished and one in the assembly stage. Howard is a true craftsman.  His work was meticulous, thought out and looked dang near perfect to me.  If you've ever wanted a hand crafted kayak click on his name and send him a message. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Snow, lots of water and beautiful scenery

Lamoille Canyon, Ruby Mts., Nevada

We made the trip from California to Idaho with no problems.  Stopped by the Trukee in California and was unfishable.  As with most of the west the snow pack was so deep at the end off winter that it still continues to melt keeping many rivers high and off color.  We stopped in Elko Nevada for 2 days and spent some time in the Ruby Mts, truly a beautiful place on this earth.  I fished Lamoille Canyon one evening and spent more time taking pictures of the scenery than fishing.  I fished through a couple of beaver pond at about 8500 ft and with snow still on the ground it was a little cool.  Managed a few small trout but the water was high and getting close the the main channels through the ponds was difficult.  Still was a nice evening in a beautiful place.

Arriving in Idaho found the Snake in Wyoming and the South Fork high and dirty.  The South fork is running at 22,000+ cfs. They've started floating it 2 days ago with most boats that I've seen running from Conant down through the canyon.  The Tetons still have about 8-9 feet of snow pack above 9000 ft.  Teton River and Fox Creek here in Teton Valley (Victor/ Driggs, Id) are basically blown out.  I did float the upper Salt River in Wyoming this past Wednesday from Grover to Auburn.  It was high and a little off color but we floated up a few spring creeks running into the Salt that were clear and the cutts were rising good to dries.  Managed to land a few  in the 18-20" range and did lose one that was big, my fishermans quess would be 5-7lbs.  Picked up these fish on Green Drake comparaduns and parachute Adams , both #10-12.  There were small yellow stones and yellow sallys hatching all day and even saw a few PMDs and BWO.

We drove up to West Yellowstone Montana Tuesday and the Henry's Fork looks perfect, as did the Madison around Island Park and the Henry's Lake outlet. Gonna head up to the Henry's Fork again and spend some time fishing it. 

The fishing oportunities this year are a little thin but still enjoying the beautiful country here.  We'll be heading to Montana for a few days next week, really looking forward to it.  Will keep posting.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The trip west, Northern California and the Fishing

You ever have the dream were you're running and it's like slow motion or you're running in water, just can't seem to make any progress.  Well getting on the road and out of New York seemed like that.  One delay after another.  Now, however, seems a distant memory.  We made it to California almost a week ago and things are going good.  It's hot here, 100+ the last few days so we are adjusting to this.  We spent a few days in Redding checking out Lake Shasta and the Lassen Volcanic National Park, really beautiful here.

Wyoming Sky
Had the chance to stop in at The Fly Shop in Redding. Nice place and the sales person I talked to was full of info.  These guys seem to take alot of pride in their outfit.  I was pointed to the upper Sacramento River, above Shasta Lake.  As with most of the west this spring the water levels here are high and finding fishable water has been a challenge.  The lower Sac was high but the upper was in good shape.  Spent an evening on the upper Sac at Soda Creek.  Indi fished and picked up a few rainbows, nothing spectacular but it was good to finally get the fly rod out.  I would like to have tried the McCloud up there but just no time.

Lassen Volcano, Northern CA

We are in Vacaville, CA with some friends right now and will be heading to the Truckee tomorrow.  We'll be there for a couple days and then it's on to Idaho.  Tonight though, when the temps drop a bit I am planning to check out the Putah Creek, about 20 minutes from here.  It's a tailwater fishery so should be some good fishing.  Would like to hit a caddis hatch or PMD's, we'll see. 

I'll be posting regularly now as we are getting better adjusted here.  Once we get to Idaho we are set up in a house for a few weeks and things should settle down with alot more time on the water.

Hope you enjoy these pictures.  I'm going to try to put a slide show together here.