Saturday, October 17, 2020

Salmon River NY update/fishing report

This last week since Columbus Day has seen the Salmon River at an average flow at Pineville gauge at 220 CFS.  We have had some rain this week but with little effect on the river.  There is rain forecast for a few days next week but we need steady rain for several day to make any difference to the flows.

As for the salmon run, with low water there are not really large numbers in the river, although there are fish throughout the river.  Some fish are spawning, however, there is not a lot of spawning activity going on.  There are fish entering the river on a daily basis and most fish we have fished to and seen are on the move upstream.  These are all fresh, clean fish at this time.  I would expect the run to continue for the next 2 weeks based on the things I see.

There are steelhead being caught, mostly from Pineville down to the mouth of the river.  Not large numbers but still nice to see.  Once more salmon are spawning we should see an increase in steelhead numbers as more of them enter the river to feed on roe.

Now that Columbus day is behind us and many states have open hunting seasons now, the number of anglers on the river should drop off, allowing ample opportunity to have some prime water to yourself.  Take advantage of the 'extended salmon run' and come on up.

Tight lines

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Salmon River news and update

 The gauge at Pineville is 216 CFS at a release of 185 CFS.  We are still dealing with low water conditions and there is no measurable rainfall forecast with in the next week.  If you remember back to October 1, 2010 the Salmon River hit a historical flow at over 20,000 CFS.  It's hard to imagine that but when I think back to that day it't kind of crazy.  

Pineville boat launch at 20,000 cfs.

Short Bridge at downtown Pulaski in 20,000 cfs.

Since then we have had 3 seasons, including this one,  were we have had to deal with low water conditions.  Not being able to work out of a boat as a guide presents some challenges.  One is that you are limited to river access.  With the boat I am able to float from Pineville to 2A and have many opportunities to fish areas that receive little to no pressure, even in the peak of the salmon run.  Now I am limited to areas I can walk into and sometimes that is limited by the physical ability of my clients to cover ground, most are out of shape and lack the endurance to walk great distances.  I remember times 25-30 years ago when, do to low water conditions and we could not use the drift boat, we would leave a car at 2A and then drive a second car with clients to the Sportsman's Pool and make the 'death march' down to our waiting car at 2A.  

The second challenge is carrying enough gear in with you to take care of anything that would come up.  With the boat I have all that I would need and more. 

And the third challenge is, if you client wants to keep salmon for the smoker, they need to be dragged out from the river.  In the boat you float them out and no one is worse for the wear.  On foot I always review the rules and rule #2 is that the client drags his own fish.  (Rule #1 is that all foul hooked fish are released.)

As for the fishing, there are fish throughout the main river system.  The tribs like Trout and Orwell Brook are in desperate need of water so the fish that are waiting to run these are stacking up the mouth of these creeks.  Every morning these fish are picked off by opportunistic anglers, but each night these areas fill up again with fish.  Some fish are setting up to spawn but unfortunately there are fish also setting up to spawn in the estuary now. 

We need rain and need it badly.  I'm not worried about the egg collection at the hatchery, they will get what they need.  But there are upward of 60%-70% of the salmon that return each year that are wild fish, spawned and reared in the river and these are the fish we need here on a yearly basis. They are stronger, survive better than hatchery fish and are the early runners that we have come to depend on for our September fishery.

If you are fly fishing, Deceivers, leeches and most bunny type flies will produce.  I have had good success with a Slumber Buster on steroids tied on a #2 salmon hook.  I use a tungsten cone head to eliminate weight on the line, but in these low water conditions sometime a non-weighted fly is all you're gonna need.

You might as well come up and give it a shot.  As they say 'a bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work'.

Tight lines

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Salmon River NY update

 Well, despite the low water we are still getting decent action on the salmon run.  Most action is in the early morning as salmon move from holding water through to the next deep pool.  Areas like the Short Bridge, Sportsman, Pineville, Abandoned Trestle  will see good movement at first light. Not a lot of action in the spawning areas yet but by this weekend there should be fish setting up regularly in these areas.

Two of what turned into a three fish limit on salmon.

Right now the gauge at Pineville reads 209 cfs at a release of 185 cfs. 

Tight lines

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Summer trout fishing tips

It's July 4th weekend and a lot of you will no doubt be heading to the rivers and stream to get some 'much needed' fishing in.  Here in the central New York/ Salmon River area we have had a couple weeks now of warm to outright hot weather and virtually no measurable rainfall.  The streams are quite low and water temperatures are warm. When water temperatures hit 68 degrees both rainbow and brown trout get stressed.  If the water temperature continue to rise and gets in the 75-78 degree range for an extended period, it can be fatal for both species of trout. This means that trout in most rivers and streams are prone to heat stress and are weakened.  Here are a few tips to help our trout fisheries from the New York State DEC.

1. Avoid catch and release fishing for heat stressed trout.  Trout already weakened by heat stress are already at high risk of death no matter how carefully they are handled.

2. Don't disturb trout when they are gathered in unusually high numbers.  It is likely these fish are recovering from heat stress on a pocket of cold water.

3. Fish early.  Stream temperatures are at their coolest in the early morning.

4. Go to plan B. Have an alternate fishing plan ready in case the water temperatures are too high at your intended destination.  Consider fishing a body of water that is less prone to heat stress or fish for a more heat tolerant species like smallmouth bass.

Tight lines

Sunday, June 21, 2020

I've been busy

I noticed it has been 1 year since my last post.  It has been a busy year for me and posting took the back seat for awhile.  But, as I sit here beginning this post I realize how much I enjoy writing and I have missed this.  Maybe I needed the break.

A lot has been going on with the Salmon River fishery.  If you have fished here in the last year in the Altmar to Abandoned Trestle area you noticed quite a bit of work done to the banks of the river, especially from the Wire Hole down stream to the Bovines.  Haven't really seen the purpose for this but who can understand the state of New York.

Nice 4+ lb. smallmouth I picked up in a tournament
on the St Lawrence River a few years ago 
More to current matters.  Yesterday the Black Bass (Largemouth, Smallmouth) season opened.  A lot of anglers look forward to this,  but here in New York state you can fish for bass catch and release from December 1 through to the opening of the season. The regular season runs from the third Saturday in June to November 30, so basically you can fish for bass year round here.  The Salmon River is a great Smallmouth fishery in the summer. Quite a few people fish it during the summer and wet wading with a fly rod or light spinning gear is fun.  Use a small Rapala type lure to imitate bait fish or a fly rod with something like a wooly bugger will get you action.

Another event I wanted to post is the fish for free days next weekend June 27,28.  This is a great opportunity to get out side and do some fishing if you haven't purchased a fishing license.  Also if you live out of state you get a chance to try a New York state fishery for free.  If you get the chance why not wet a line.

The spring steelhead season came to an abrupt halt this year with the state closing all charter fishing and guiding due to the COVID virus.  By the second week of March I had already cancelled my trips for the spring as most of my clients are traveling in from out of state (as far away as Michigan this year) and even out of country with a few clients coming from Quebec, Canada.  Most of these folks rebooked for this falls stealhead fishing which is good, however, this took quite a few dates out of my fall schedule that would normally have book with other anglers.  At this point I am booking the fall as I normally would and am looking forward to another great season on both salmon and steelhead and am especially looking forward to seeing many of you again in the boat.

As a final note, enjoy your summer and stay safe and healthy. 

Tight lines