It's been hard to fine the time to post here. I've had good intentions but no time. Tonight is just a short post.
Here around home the trout streams are prime and the typical hatches are finally on schedule. The cooler than normal spring had the bugs appearing late for awhile. Things are fine now. The latest may flies to show up are the Green Drakes. This evening we had a tremendous Coffin Fly spinner fall, I haven't seen one this heavy since one evening a few years back fishing the Genessee River in Shongo near the Pennsylvania line. What was nice about this evenings bug storm was that it was in my back yard (literally) here on the Mad River. It's nice to walk out the back door with the fly gear and then walk back home at dusk.
I plan on heading to the Salmon River in the next day or two and see what the smallmouth bass are up to. They are always fun to play with.
I'll post again soon (try to). Enjoy the beautiful weather.
Tight lines.