I know, it's been awhile since my last post. Guiding has been busy, fishing has been so-so. We've been averaging 2-3 fish landed per outing. Compared to fall steelhead fshing over the last few years, these days test even the dedicated steelheader. However, we're steelhead fishing on the premier steelhead fishery east of the Mississippi so things are good.
Today was a day off from guiding so, I went steelhead fishing with my very good friend and fellow guide Gary Edwards. We had a great day, not because of the fishing, but because we rarely get the opportunity to fish together anymore. I caught my first Salmon River steelhead fishing with Gary and today in the same area I caught that fish, I landed an other steelhead, a beauty! It didn't 'make the day', but it definitely made it memorable.
I had fun today! |
For an actual report on the fishing today it was slow. The river bumped up to 750cfs release (1050 on the gauge at Pineville ) from 500cfs for about the last week. This can cause fish to shut down and the water temperature at the Ace-in-the-Hole was 34*, pretty cold for a steelhead. We fished down to the Sportsman before we got any action. By then the sun was hitting the water and about 1:30 pm the fish started to turn on. I myself had 4 takes in 20 minutes, only one hooked but it was the 'right one'. This big boy pushed all of 18lbs, and, we landed it! Hope you enjoy the picture as much as I did posing for it.
Tight lines