Friday, June 24, 2016

Fish for free in New York, and other things to do...

Summer is here and this last weekend in June is one to take advantage of.  June 25,26, 2016 is fish for free days here in New York state.  Many opportunities are available to the angler who wants to give it a try.  This past weekend the statewide season on large and smallmouth bass opened and there are hundreds of lakes and streams that are accessible to anglers.  In my home area one of my favorite places to find cooperative bass is the Redfield reservoir.  With canoe or from shore this is an impoundment that willingly gives up bass, both largemouth and smallmouth, to any angler who wants to catch fish. I tend to like the boat launch area at Redfield, plenty of shoreline to walk and fish.  Spinner baits and top water work well here as does a good old-fashion Texas rigged worm.

June 25, 2016 is also the date of the annual Spey Nation spey clave held on the Salmon River at the Pineville drift boat launch.  This is a free event and this year they are encouraging you to bring a friend.  There will be items up for raffle and all proceeds go to the Fish Creek Atlantic Salmon Club.

This club was established in 1997 and it's mission was to re-establish the Atlantic salmon population in Fish Creek, both East and West branches.  From my experience on these creeks as well as the Mad River which connects to the West Branch of Fish Creek, they are having good success.  Since 2010 I have regularly caught Atlantics in both the West branch of Fish Creek and the Mad River in Camden, NY.  In the past week I have landed 2 nice Atlantic, both in the 12"-13" range and both healthy, hard fighting fish.

Landed this Atlantic a little over a week ago
on a #16 tan caddis pattern.  Solid 13" fish.

Local streams are low water  conditions and most trout are confined to the deepest, coolest pools in any creek or river right now.  Good insect hatches are showing up mainly after 7:30 pm.  In the local waters the primary bug right now is the small tan caddis and the emerger of the fly is getting most of the attention.  We have some Light Cahill's and a few Sulphur's showing up but these seem to be ignored by most trout.  Small tan Elk Hair caddis patterns in #16 work on the surface but a tan x-caddis in size #14,16 fished under the surface is dynamite.  Fish for cast some evenings with this presentation.

Fishing on the Delaware River has been decent but with low water, warming water and algae in the upper West Branch finding places to fish has been the challenge.  Always have a 'plan-B' to go to.  Most surface action is later in the day as the sun drops behind the hills.  Good Sulphur hatches are consistently popping everyday as well as some Light Cahill's, BWO and Iso's .  I have good mid-week date open if you'd like to give it a go.

We need rain to help the creeks and fish, but don't let that stop you from taking advantage of the fishing opportunities this summer.

Tight lines