Saturday, September 4, 2021

Salmon River Fish Hatchery Improvements


The Salmon River fish hatchery's  new fish ladder is almost ready.  Construction crews have been working since last summer to modify the main hatchery drainage plumbing and to remove the old fish ladder that was in need of replacement.  The new ladder is now in place and should be fully operational by the upcoming fall salmon run.

Make sure to include a visit to the hatchery in you fall trip to the Salmon River.

Tight lines

Salmon River NY fall salmon run forecast

Here it is, Labor Day weekend, what some consider the official start of the fall salmon run here on the Salmon River.  All of us who make a living here on the river are looking forward to the upcoming season.  We have had more than enough rain this summer to keep the reservoir full, or at some points, above full pool.  So we should not have a repeat of last years low water conditions.  As I type this the release is 750cfs till tomorrow evening and then the flow is cut back to 350cfs, which I would anticipate to be the regular release through November.  Things can change, but with the levels in the reservoir currently, I can't foresee any major changes.

Water level recently at the boat launch in Redfield, NY
Water level at boat launch a year ago.


There are reports of salmon in the river as one would expect, however, not in big numbers.  We are experiencing fall-like weather right now so with cooler temperatures at night (low 40s to 50s) and decent water flows, we should see the steady movement of salmon into the river from here on out.  Look for the 3rd week of September to see things really start to pick up.

Reports from the lake indicate that in the past few days salmon have been moving closer the the river's mouth and off 9 mile point.  Fish are being caught in 50-110' in these areas.  As always, they will come and we will have a blast.

Hope you get the opportunity to visit the salmon River this fall.  See you soon.

Tight lines