Saturday, October 27, 2018

2019 Chinook salmon stocking plans

In response to intensified concerns regarding Lake Ontario's alewife population, DEC must take additional action to protect the long-term sustainability of the trout and salmon fishery.  Failure to act will serve to extend the severity and duration of adult alewife population instability, with greater potential impacts to the sport fishery. When the adult alewife population is comprised of a broader number of age classes we will consider adjusting stocking back to normal levels.  DEC will further reduce Chinook salmon stocking by an additional 20% in 2019. On average, approximately 50% of Lake Ontario's Chinook salmon originate from natural reproduction ("wild" fish).  

Table 1. Anticipated NYSDEC 2019 stocking targets for Lake Ontario.
Species Life Stage NYSDEC Stocking Policy
Chinook Salmon* Spring Yearlings 1,056,960
Lake Trout Yearling equivalents 400,000
Rainbow Trout Spring Yearlings 615,700
Brown Trout Spring Yearlings 400,000
Atlantic Salmon Spring Yearlings 50,000
Coho Salmon Fall Fingerlings 155,000
Spring Yearlings 90,000